Liuda Yablokova
Managing partner, attorney, mediator
Languages: Russian, English
Graduated from the St. Petersburg State University, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of English language and literature.

Admitted to the Saint Petersburg Bar.

"A good lawyer should be able, attentive, proactive and ambitious. A great family lawyer should have these traits and many others, be a bit of a mediator, a conflict resolution specialit, a psychologist to insure his success in complicated international family disputes involving children to help clients to solve problems and to come to positive outcome".

+ 7 921 951 39 44
Participant of the Programs:

  • "The Voice of the Child in International Child Abduction cases". Blended Training Conference by LEPCA (Lawyers in Europe on Parental Child Abduction, Berlin, Germany);
  • "European Neighborhood Policy" program held by delegation of the European Union in the Russian Federation, "Application of the Hague Convention of 1980 on International Child Abduction";
  • European Human Rights Training Program for Lawyers, course "Family Law and Human Rights" (Council of Europe HELP program);
  • The programs held by CECJ (Centre Européen de Coopération Juridique):
- "Settlement of legal disputes in accordance with international law" (Hague)
- "Protection of human rights in the European Court of Human Rights" (Strasbourg)
- "The judicial and legal system of Great Britain and the Federal law of the USA" (London, New York).

The Fellow to the International Academy of Family Lawyers since 2018.

Awarded with the Certificates of Honor of the Saint – Petersburg Bar Association for the achievements in the European Court of Human Rights and in cases based on the private international law.

Liuda often participates as an expert on Russian family law in foreign family proceedings, has considerable experience in legal representation of the applicants in the European Court of Human Rights under Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights.

Liuda represented the interests of the applicant in the case "Vladimir Ushakov v. Russia", in which the European Court of Human Rights issued the first Judgment on the international child abduction in relation to Russia (after Russia's accession to the Hague Convention of 1980).
Liuda is a regular speaker at the conferences and seminars on the international and national family law.

+7 (812) 564 64 38