
The modern world is increasingly international and mobile. And it is accompanied by an increase of the couples whose marriage and divorce inevitably involves international property division, succession issues, children arrangements issues, international relocations and abductions.

We are the team of highly professional family lawyers who are dealing extensively in the complicated cross – border cases which are held in several jurisdictions with the different legal systems and requiring international expertise. We have this expertise and the strong working ties with the best family and succession practitioners in the foreign jurisdictions.

Our lawyers speak fluent English, French and other European languages.

Recognizing that regardless of the jurisdiction cases will always stand a greater prospect of success if they are thoroughly learned, carefully researched and planned by a team of internationally experienced lawyers.

We work for international and Russian families as well as in any cases which include a Russian element in any type: one or both parties involved, assets in dispute, the law to be applied or in any other combination.

+7 (812) 564 64 38